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SprayPaint 3.1
Does your Palm look a bit boring lately?Does your Palm look a bit boring lately?Does your Palm look

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Does your Palm look a bit boring lately? Then paint it - with SprayPaint!

SprayPaint lets you select your own custom colors for things like backgrounds, menu frames, list and button background, texts and hilites and many more. It is a very easy to configure and save application and you won't believe for how long you have been staring at white buttons with white fills, after you have configured your own favourite color scheme. To make it easy there are lots of template schemes preconfigured, so just dive in!

Additionally there is one level of undo for all color assignments including themes. Ten color themes are provided as built-in menu choices and provide a kind of starter for further customization. SprayPaint offers pre-configured themes as well as the ability to create and save custom themes. Several color manipulation tools like invert, darken, etc. are also built in. It supports Sony's Jog-wheel and has a very concise and intuitive interface.

German version available

—  What's New!  —————

New in Version 3.1:

Several small bugfixes

Speed improvements

Better compatibility on OS 4 devices

Redesigned Layout

New built-in theme

Graphical improvements

Optimized color operations


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